
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

We are HATCHING in Clark House!

Stephanie Lesnik, from Field House Farm, has been visiting us once a week since May1st to teach us about chickens, eggs and incubation.  We have been taking care of the eggs in the incubator by recording the temperature and the humidity levels each day.  We also "candled" the eggs at week 1 and week 2, which allowed us to see if the chicks were developing inside the egg.  Our first chick hatched today, May 23rd, just in time for the Kindergartener's STEAM Bird share!


PreK has been learning all about plants, seeds, and roots.  We conducted an experiment with radish seeds to see how they would grow with light versus no light.  We made predictions and were quite surprised with the results.  Be sure to ask a PreK student what happened in just one week.
The PreK students dissected marigold plants.


Kindergarteners have been continuing their bird study and truly brought the book BIRDS, by Kevin Henkes to life!  One STEAM activity the students enjoyed we called,
 The Battle of the Beaks.

First Grade

First Graders have been continuing to learn about SOUND.  
We made string telephones to communicate with each other over a long distance.

Award Winning Author, Sara Levine visits TCS

PreSchool through third graders welcomed award winning author, Sara Levine on Friday, May 17th to TCS.  She shared her books and each class participated in a hands-on "Bone by Bone" workshop.  We learned so much!

Carton 2 Garden

The Country School Collaborators sure were proud to receive the STEM award for the national Carton2Garden Contest this year!  Mr. and Mrs. Wade from Wade's Dairy came to present the award and check.  

Bag It

Thank You all who supported our "Bag It" film evening on May 22nd. It was a very informative and eye opening event!  Let's all work together to "Turn the Tide on plastic"!  If you have not seen the film and are interested, please contact me at

Day 5 STEAM in the Kitchen

Click on the link below to see day 5 (Homemade Ice Cream Lab) Click here to see Day 5