
Sunday, February 3, 2019

With the Super Bowl on Sunday, how about a week of football STEAM style?

Kindergarten and first grade students watched videos to see how engineers create different balls for different sports, create rules for games, and make equipment safe by testing and redesigning. They then learned about the game of football: the rules, the math, the science, and the physics. After studying shapes on a paper template, students made origami footballs and then created a table top football field. Of course each game started with an official coin toss but not before engineering a goal post for their football fields. The classroom was a buzz Friday afternoon with cheers of excitement as the students played table top football. PreK students also got a taste of the football fever during their STEAM class.

Day 5 STEAM in the Kitchen

Click on the link below to see day 5 (Homemade Ice Cream Lab) Click here to see Day 5