
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Engineering and Collaboration 

Kindergarten is embarking on an architecture study and coincidently, so is sixth grade.  Kinders took a field trip across campus to learn all about the seismograph machines that the sixth graders engineered.  Kinders and sixth graders will collaborate more over the next few weeks.

PreSchool Engineers

The PreSchool STEAM students read a wide variety of Goldilocks and the Three Bear books and compared similarities and differences. They discovered that in each version, Goldilocks broke Baby Bear’s chair. Surprisingly, they received a note from Goldilocks expressing her regret about breaking the chair. She asked the TCS PreSchool students to help redesign and engineer a chair for Baby Bear. Using a rock to simulate the weight of Baby Bear and after studying different types of chairs and noticing how many legs they each had, what the seat part was like, and what the backrest was like if any, the students designed, engineered and built a new chair for Baby Bear. They used materials provided by Goldilocks.

Although Tuesday was a shortened day,  it was a perfect day for PreK chemistry!

Valentine's Day was a special day for PreSchoolers!

Day 5 STEAM in the Kitchen

Click on the link below to see day 5 (Homemade Ice Cream Lab) Click here to see Day 5