
Saturday, September 29, 2018

First Graders Take FLIGHT

First graders have been studying flight.  Click Here

Students lead Students!  6th Grade student Michaela, teaches 1st graders how to make a paper airplane!
Click Here

We are learning about the 4 Principles of FLIGHT

We are also learning about people in history that had a great impact on flight, including: Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Daniel Bernoulli, and Henry Coanda.

Bernoulli’s Principle 


Monday, September 17, 2018

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Welcome Back to School and STEAM!
September 2018

September is such a magical time of the year, a time of metamorphosis and change all around us.  In STEAM  class we started this year studying and learning about one of the most magical creatures, the MONARCH BUTTERFLY! From PreSchool through 1st Grade, we have been exploring the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly  and its unique relationship to the milkweed plant.  We have also enjoyed hiking the TCS campus to find milkweed plants and study the habitat of Monarchs.  Our "Monarch Hotel" is full of caterpillars and chrysalises    and we are looking forward to releasing the butterflies for their southern migration!  We also have been using our math skills to create a caterpillar glyph.  (A glyph, short for hieroglyphics, an ancient Egyptian writing system where signs and symbols are used to record information in a picture form.)

We even spotted an owl on one of our STEAM Hikes!

PreK Adventures

In anticipation of our hatching butterflies, Kindergarten and 1st grade students are also learning about flight.

Experimenting with The Bernoulli Principle..

Preschoolers learn about the Monarch’s Life Cycle

We also made and tasted nectar to celebrate the hatching of 2 butterflies!

Day 5 STEAM in the Kitchen

Click on the link below to see day 5 (Homemade Ice Cream Lab) Click here to see Day 5